My Fitness Pals

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

Monday, January 16, 2012

Things we can do and not do to help us get better Part 3

1) Drink water. Stay hydrated, it also helps flush toxins out of our body.
2) Extra Virgin Raw Coconut oil. This is proven to stimulate metabolism, improve digestion and help release fat cells. It also gently stimulates the thyroid.
3) Organic apples will help regulate blood sugar, reduce appetite, and increase in cleansing of the liver, gallbladder and colon.
4) Organic grapefruit has been proven to help release fat. And also regulate blood sugar, reduce appetite, and stimulate cleansing of the liver, gallbladder and colon
5) Raw organic apple cider vinegar. Take one tablespoon 3 times a day. Use as your venegar of choice in salads and cooking. This stimulates the metabolism and cleansing of the internal organs. It is also very powerful in helping release stored fat cells.
6) Drink Organic green tea. Minium of one cup a day. It stimulates cleansing of the cells, increases metabolism, and helps regulate hunger.
7) Whole food supplements. Everyone has nutritional deficiencies.
8) Calcium supplemnts. Been show to have major health benefits and increase weight loss.
9) Eat breakfast. It is important to reset the body's weight set point, increasing metabolism, and decreasing appetite throughout the day.
10)Eat dinner before 6pm. You should finish eating your dinner no less then 3-4 hours before you go to bed. It is very important so as not to store fat.
11)Eat Organic hot peppers or hot salsa. It stimulates an increase in metabolism and reduces appetite. It is very effective at helping reset the body's weight set point, metabolic rate and additionally, helps release stored fat.
12) Cinnamon. It helps regulate insulin and blood sugar, it also normalizes appetite and helps release fat reserves.
13) No trans fats, no high fructose corn syrup. Read the food labels. Try shopping at Trader Joe's and other whole food stores.
14) No artificial sweeteners. They make you fat. They are also highly chemical addicting and cause depression and anxiety.
15) Eat only organic meat and dairy. It is perfectly fine to eat beef, chicken, turkey, milk, cheese and dairy as long as its organic. Organic meaning it's from grass fed animals that are not injected with groth hormones, antibiotics and other drugs.
16) No farm raised fish. Farm raised fish live in cesspoools of poison water. They are fed massive amounts of drugs and chemicals to increase growth and production. Much of the fish is injected with chemical food dyes to make them appear fresher longer. The chemicals in and poisons found in tehs fish cause hormonal imbalances leading to weight gain and depression.
17) Absolutely no microwaving. Research shows eating any food that has been microwaved adversely affects blood counts and leads to depression. It also causes hormonal imbalances leading to weight gain.
18) Carbonated drinks block calcium absorption and lead to nutritional deficiencies. If you absolutely MUST have one then NEVER drin a "DIET" carbonated drink.
19) No fast food. This is a given
20) Get sleep. Recommended 7-8 hours. The body releases certain healing hormones during deep sleep.
21) Take Krill oil and Vitamin E. Do not buy at a local store or pharmacy. Be careful with which ones you buy. Stay away from anything synthetic.
22) Digestive Enzymes. People lack digestive enzymes because of all the processed foods and microwaved foods. There aer many good brands available.
23) Fiber. Adding fiber to your diet will help speed up the weigh loss process dramatically. It will reduce appetite, relieve constipation, improve digestion, help cleanse the body of toxins, help increase energy and help correct years of eating super highly refined foods.
24) Lift weights. Doing any kind of resistance training such as weight lifting is encouraged and beneficial. You can burn calories up to 8 hours after your workout.
25) Prescription and non-prescription drugs are dangerous. I am not saying to go off all your meds.
But anything over the counter right now stay clear away. ( I will go more in detail later as to why)
26) Again, if the food is not 100% organic, the animals and dairy products will be loaded with growth hormones, antibiotics, and other animal drugs. When you consume meat, poultry and dairy you are, in fact consuming these animal growth hormones and drugs. This causes health problems in the body, depression, and leads to obesity. If the animals are not 100% organic and grass fed, they are fed genetically modified grain, man-made chemical food products, and ground up dead animals.
27) Stay away from any PORK products
28) Stay away from Deli meats

I know we cannot do all these but most of these is better then none of these. I've already bought Organic milk and eggs. Tested them out on my husband as well. The eggs were brighter and they tasted so much better. The milk tasted the way milk used to taste and was delicious. I encourage you to try some or all if you can these things.

If you want more information please contact me for more information.
I found out alot of this of one book but I did alot of cross referencing too.

Contact me if you want more details.
April Buchman

These things blew my mind part 2 of why we are so sick

Chiropractors have been proven in court to reduce and eliminate back pain better then any drug or surgical proceduce. Yet, more and more drugs are pushed.

Researchers in Canada were curing breast cancer with linseed oil better then chemotherapy. Why wasn't this discover in headline news? Woman around the world would be outraged that the truth and effectiveness of linseed oil treating breast cancer is being hidden from them.

Get children pumped up on psychiatric drugs such as Ritalin and other drugs. Along with the mercury laced vaccines, which have been proven to produce autism and other learning disabilities was increased. Schools were given $500 per month per child that was on Ritalin, Prozac or some other psychiatric drug.

Since the cancer industry is on of the most profitable industries in the world, anything that would adversely affect the profits of the cancer industry must be suppressed. Sunscreens cause cancer.

Get rid of the silver fillings in your mouth. Metal simply, should not be in your mouth. Researchers in Europe have estimated that perhaps up to half of all the chronic degenerative diseases and illness can be linked to the toxic dental metals in your mouth. It most notably causes symptoms like MS, Parkinson's, arthritis, headaches, and lack of energy. It can cause stress, depression, anxiety, mental confusion, feelins of insecurity, lack of concentration, irritability, kidney, cardiac and even respiratory disorders.

Vitamin E cures cancer. Look up Dr. Jeff McCombs, he is the author of a book called "Lifeforce"

Allicin comes from raw garlic. It's a miracle product, It is antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and stimulates and boosts the immune system.

Many of the products used in cosmetics, skin care, soaps, detergents, shampoos, etc,, contain ingredients that are categorically cancer causing. Here are a couple examples, DEA, or diethanolamine. This ingredient has been found in over 600 home and personal care products.

Propylene glycol is the main ingredient in antifreeze, yet go into your household cabinets and look at your toothpaste, underarm deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, lotions and soap. You will be amazed when you see propylene glycol. You will also see somthing called sodium lareth sulfate. Propylene glycol is everywhere, yet it gives you cancer. It is a colorless, viscious liquid used in antifreeze solutions and hydraulic fluids, and as a solvent. It is not only used in brake and hydraulic fluids, paints and coatings but also in floor wax, pet food, tobacco products, and laundry detergents, but also in cosmetics, toothpaste, shampoos, deodorants, lotions and processed foods. You will even find it in baby wipes. Check the labels. This is also why our pets are getting cancer more then ever before.

The same holds true with another toxic ingredient called sodium lauryl sulfate or SLS.

Think about this for a second, Remember way back then, many years ago, Our grandparents would take or give us if we or they were constipated. What would they take? What would they give us? Some of you may remember prunes or prune juice and castor oil was the cure all. Today, you hear about all the drugs, powders, laxatives. You NEVER hear about the simple things anymore because they want their profits from you being sick. Prunes, prune juice and castor oil are some of the best ways to treat you.

Studies are linking Hair dyes to cancer. According to the BBC, researchers have found more evidence that hair dyes cause cancer.

Study links pain relievers to cancer. A study shows that over the counter non-prescription painkillers such as aspirin and ibuprofen increase the risk of cancer.

Breatst cancer cured?. Linseed oil or flaxseed oil is inexpensive but there is virtually no major research being put into the use of linseed oil or flaxseed oil in the treatment of breast cancer or any other types of cancer.

Canadian researchers have proven that linseed oil is KILLING BREAST CANCER cells in woman who have breast cancer. So go to your local health food store and get some whole flax, which is a great source of fiber or some flaxseed oil or some linseed oil and start adding it to your diet.

Vitamin D cuts cancer risk in half.

The most recent drug to be recalled is phenylpropanolamine. It has now been shown that this drug increases stroke, bleeding in the brain, as well as a host of other medical problems. This is a dangers drug and causes illness and disease. What is this drug in? You  wouldn't believe it. I will post a detailed list shortly but please make sure to check the labels yourself on all products. In the meantime here are a couple of the products that some of their products share this dangerous ingredien.

Acutrim, alka-seltzer plus products, including childrens, BC, Comtrex, Day and night contact, coricidin, dexatrim, Dimetapp, naldecon, permathene mega, robitussin, tavist-d and Triaminic.


More coming shortly.
God bless

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Why we are the unhealthiest people

When we talk about calories, fat, protein, carbohydrates and sodium, simple carbs, complex carbs and the glycemic index, saturated and unsaturated fats, all of these have some level of importance.

but the most important and the most significant components that lead to weight gain and obesity are the food additives, chemicals and food porcessing techniques. So it's not really the food itself, it's the man-made additives and chemicals in the food that is harming us. Making us bigger and sicker then ever.

This include the bovine growth hormone and antibiotics injected into meat, poultry and dairy products, flavor enhancers, such as monosodium glutamate, artificial sweeteners such as (aspartame and sucrolos) This also includes man-made sugars such as high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup dextrose, sucrose, fructose, highly refined white sugar, processed molasses, processed honey, malto dextrin, etc., plus over 15,000 chemicals that are routinely added to virtually every product you buy.

Man-made trans fats such as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils cause weight gain and obesity. Additionally, food processing techniques such as pasteurization, which is done on virtually every product in a bottle, carton, homogenization, and irradiation (which is done to over 50% of all food products sold in America) ALL cause weight gain.

America is by far the fattest and unhealthiest country there is. Every year more and more people are on diets, eating diet foods, choosing low calorie, low fat, low carb products and consuming record amounts of diet pills. Numerous people are purchasing exercise equipment, and working out in gyms, buying exercise videos, magazines and books. The diet and weight loss industry is just feasting on our money. Yet, each year people are continuing to still get sicker and fatter. Nothing is working Hmmmmmm,

Below is a list of just a couple things I found that related to me.

Lack of enzymes. Today's food supply is void of living enzymes. Any food in a jar or a can has been pasteurized, meaning it has been heated to over 180 degrees for 30 minutes, killing all the enzymes in the food. Microwaving food kills the enzymes. Even commercially grown fruits and vegetables are devoid of enzymes due to the gassed used in the ripening process and dowsing the fruits and vegetables in heavily chlorinated water and irradiation. Without enough enzymes you can never correct low metabolism and will always have gas, bloating, constipation, and slow digestion.

Artificial sweeteners. All man-made sweeteners slow metabolism. This includes aspartame and sucralose. Trade names are NutraSweet and Splenda ( I personally lived off of Splenda)

Yo-yo dieting. Every time you go on a diet and lose weight and gain it all back you are in fact lowering your body's internal thermostat and internal body weight set point. Every time you diet to lose weight your metabolism goes lower.

Breakfast. Not eating breakfast keeps your metabolism low.

Food additives. If food is not 100% organic, the food is loaded with herbicides, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, antibiotics and over 15,000 man-made chemicals.


Food manufacturers are making food with the sole purpose of creating a physical chemical addiction to food. Sounds crazy huh? But, how many of us say the same thing. I can't help it, I'm hungry or its so good you just can't eat one?

So in general, It's not my fault or yours that we are sick. It's the man-made chemicals, additives, and food processing techniques that are the main issues. Even our healthy fruits and vegetables are contaminated along with the chemicals they put in our medicines, lotions and creams we put on us.

The food companies spend Billions of dollars a year in advertising in magazines, newspapers, television and radio. they want you fat so they can make more money. If you are cured you will automatically be eating and buying less.


The drug industry knows that people who are overweight, fat and obese have more medical symptoms and buy and take more prescription and non-prescription drugs. So there is a financial motivation to KEEP people overweight. Overweight people are sicker an are great customers to the drug industry. They do NOT want to cure or prevent diseases. Doing so would put them out of business.

The two industries are working together.

Drugs, both prescription and non-prescription, have side effects that include lowering metabolism and increasing hunger. This makes people fatter, making them buy more food, increasing the profits of the food companies. This also makes people more sicker, therefore, buying and using more drugs. It's a vicious cycle.

Virtually all cancerous tumors are loaded with herbicides and pesticides used in the production of most commercial foods. The food companies are making food purposefully to creat new illnesses. The food companies, for example, designed and engineered food that would create the epidemic of such diseases as acid reflux, depression, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, constipation, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. The drug companies knew this in advance. This is why when a new disease becomes common there is already a drug to be marketed.


The diet industry sees it all and they gotta get theirs too. The weigh loss or diet industry consists of companies that sell exercise equipment, weight loss pills, prepackaged foods, low fat, low carb, low calorie, sugar free, diet foods.

If what I'm saying sounds insane just look at the advertisements on tv or magazines and newspapers. They all promote either food, prescriptions and non-prescription medicines and diet and weight loss breakthroughs.

I will blog more tomorrow.
God bless